Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Frozen Chocolate Dipped Bananas

This is the easiest most satisfying dessert. All you need are a few bananas or one if you are solo (however after tasting it you may want to make several at a time and store them in an air tight container in the fridge), chocolate,chopped almonds, and popscicle sticks.

Frozen Chocolate Dipped Bananas
Stick your popscicle sticks into your banana from the bottom with the peel on. Do not peel your banana and then try to insert your popscicle stick as you will end up with a big glob of mush in your hands. Once inserted remove the peel from the banana. Freeze for several hours or better yet overnight. Remove your bananas from the freezer and pour your cooled chocolate all over your banana (I actually cheated a bit and used the Hersheys squeezable shell chocolate that hardens instantly). Cover your banana in chocolate twice. Sprinkle your almonds on top of chocolate. If using Hersheys shell chocolate you will want to sprinkle your almonds quickly as it does freeze within seconds just as it says on the bottle.

If you have kids then I highly suggest adding colorful sprinkles to the scene. Our five year old absolutely LOVED this dessert and I did not feel too bad eating it myself, I mean hey, it's a banana...that's healthy right? LOL No, but seriously it is a lot better than sugary popscicles or fattening ice cream. Enjoy!

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